Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Dear Readers,

You may have noticed there has not been an entry in over two years.   Unfortunately, war has erupted in the Princess’ kingdom.  In a previous post, I mentioned Prince Mack.  There is also a Princess Snickers.  Both are the darlings of Princess Belle, but alas, they are not “hers.”  They are from a previous union between her Price and another Princess from a neighboring land.  While there have been minor skirmishes, in general peace existed between the two.  Not a year after the new castle was built, Prince Mack decided to make this is full-time place to train with the knights and take full use of the scholars available to him that were not available at the other castle.   Princess Snickers was happy at home, and that was OK until we realized there was no skill training being given to our princess.  One cannot simply sit around and look cute, especially when there is no dowry to be given.   Their royal coffers have been squandered, so both will need build their own fortunes.  Not an easy task, but THIS princess is rather modern and thinks Snickers can be taught to manage a household which will mean learning things like…. MATH! As the other kingdom did not like Prince Mack's departure, and Princess Belle's meddling in Princess Snickers' training to be a well-rounded princess with great skills to rival any prince, war was declared.  Prince Mack was lured back home and is now trapped by his wicked mother, and Princess Snickers sits, secretly wishing to be given an opportunity like Mack but alas, does not want to envoke the wrath of her mother and the consort.  Despair has fallen onto Belle's kingdom. 

As the war wages, Princess Belle and her charming Prince are spending all of their resources reclaiming what is theirs.  Alas, the old castle stands in disrepair, waiting for skilled tradesmen to be hired.  Princess Belle realizes that other priorities are coming first right now, but she is determined to proceed with repairs, even if it means doing some manual labor herself.  Yes, this is a true scandal, but the Belle has always fought the restrictions placed on her due to her station in life, when it suited her purpose. 

The tale begins again….